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Sberbank mortgage insurance. Life and health insurance for the borrower when applying for a mortgage in Rosgosstrakh. Sberbank requirements for mortgage insurance

There is a question that worries potential borrowers: is life insurance required for a mortgage with Sberbank in 2019? After all, such a clause is spelled out in the loan agreement for a mortgage with government support.

The preferential mortgage rate applies only on the condition that the borrower necessarily insures his life and health. Otherwise, the bank has the right to increase the lending rate by 1%.

To insure or not to insure

First, let's figure out whether it is necessary to insure life in order to get a mortgage loan? After all, many banks insist on such insurance. Are their demands legal? Who needs it more: the bank or the borrower?

Personal insurance covers a whole group of risks:

  • death of the borrower;
  • persistent health disorder and disability;
  • injuries and acute diseases;
  • partial loss of ability to work.

If the borrower has difficulty repaying the loan for one of the above reasons, the insurance company will pay off the resulting debt for him. The bank receives these funds. But the credit institution can send part of the money to the borrower so that he pays for treatment, returns to work as soon as possible and resumes payments.

Thus, insurance for the lender reduces the risk of non-payment of the debt. And the borrower is guaranteed that in the event of unfavorable circumstances, the burden of repaying the loan will not fall on his loved ones. And even in the event of loss of health or temporary loss of work, he will be able to repay part of the debt with the help of insurance. Considering that the loan is given for a period of up to 30 years, the occurrence of an insured event does not seem completely impossible.

What they say at Sberbank

In Sberbank managers also sometimes insist that life insurance is mandatory with a mortgage. But borrowers are often not concerned with the question itself: whether to insure life or not. Indeed, in recent years, personal insurance has ceased to be perceived as something completely unnecessary. Especially when it makes it possible to get favorable terms for a mortgage loan and reduce the loan rate.

Conflicts arise when Sberbank employees not only impose life insurance, but insist that the policy be issued specifically at the Sberbank Life Insurance company. And its annual rates are not the lowest:

  • life and health insurance of the borrower – 1,99% ;
  • life and health insurance in connection with involuntary loss of work – 2,99% ;
  • life and health insurance with independent choice of parameters – 2,5% .

Interest is calculated on the insured amount, which is equal to the loan amount. And the recipient of the loan will have to make significant payments.

How to behave correctly with bank managers

The borrower has the right to insure his life and health in any insurance company accredited by Sberbank. This rule is stated in a separate clause in the loan agreement.

There are four such companies, besides Sberbank Insurance:

  • LLC IC "VTB Insurance";
  • JSC "VSK";
  • LLC "ISK "Euro-Polis";

Their rates are usually lower than the rates at Sberbank Insurance. But, despite the law, Sberbank managers sometimes insist on issuing a policy with their insurance company. It is difficult to say what is driving them: simple incompetence or the desire to make money on additional services. But unfortunately, such precedents do happen. In this case, the potential borrower needs to refer to the Sberbank of Russia website. It says that you can insure health and life with any insurance company that meets the requirements of a given credit institution.

If this does not help, then it is necessary to request from the bank employees a written refusal to issue a loan with a mandatory indication of the motive. As a rule, such a step is enough to remove all objections from managers and begin to conduct a constructive dialogue. Otherwise, you need to contact Sberbank management directly or appeal the unlawful refusal to issue a loan in court.

Video: About mortgage insurance


When you take out a home loan from Sberbank, it is not necessary to enter into a personal insurance agreement. You have the right to refuse insurance. No law provides for its mandatory presence.

Voluntary health and life insurance when obtaining a mortgage loan has positive and negative sides. The biggest disadvantage is the total amount of insurance payments under the contract. Considering that contributions must be paid annually, the cost of life insurance for a mortgage with Sberbank is significant, loan programs are designed for 30 years, this results in a significant overpayment.

But if we take into account that In the absence of insurance, Sberbank increases the loan rate by 1%, then there is a reason to insure. It is not necessary to do this at Sberbank Insurance. It is wise to look for more favorable conditions from other insurers accredited by this credit institution.

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    11/05/2016, the borrower of 2 million rubles died at work...since 2007, half of the amount was paid...his wife (38 years old) does not work and two small children (3 and 10 years old) are not able to pay another 1 million...what I can hope what to do? the family found only a VTB property insurance policy... in contract No. 26740 there are also no lines about a life insurance policy... How should we go to the President? my telephone number is 925-185-36-41

    Good afternoon! Please tell me what to do if an employee of Sberbank, when applying for a mortgage loan, forces us to insure ourselves with them, but we want to use another insurance company, to which the employee says, go get insured, but refuses to provide the number of the credit agreement for the insurance company?

    • Get insurance from accredited companies! Much cheaper, they will scare you - don’t be fooled. You can refuse electronic registration and you can also refuse to open an account, which costs 2000 rubles, the common people are being fleeced like crazy, the bastards!

When registering with Sberbank on the security of real estate, one of the conditions is insurance of the property. This is necessary so that even if the property is destroyed, the bank can receive payment from the insurance company and close the loan. This is also important for the debtor, since otherwise, if one object is lost, the bank will demand either early repayment of the loan or the provision of another adequate collateral.

Read more about mortgage insurance at Sberbank

In 2018, insurance remains one of the main problems when applying for a loan. The bank offers a fairly limited selection of insurance companies, not all of which meet the client’s requirements. Of course, a financial institution does not have the right to insist or even refuse a loan to a client who has decided to choose another company, but it can raise the interest rate or include unfavorable conditions in the contract.

As a result, the easiest way is to agree to Sberbank’s offer, since in the end, an attempt to save a little on the payment amount will result in a significant overpayment on the loan.

Types of insurance

Highlight three main types of insurance, which are usually required from the client when applying for a mortgage loan: insurance of property rights, life and health of the client, as well as insurance of the apartment. Usually two of them are required, although a lot depends on the current situation. For example, a client may have rights to real estate, but he will be able to fully realize them only after receiving a loan.

In this case, you will first need to insure the rights and life/health of the borrower, and then, after completing all the necessary documents for the apartment, that too.

Apartment insurance in Sberbank

Apartment insurance offer from Sberbank beneficial for many reasons. It's worth starting with the fact that the cost of an insurance policy is directly related to the balance of debt, and not to the value of the property. That is, with each year of debt servicing, you will have to pay less and less.

The registration itself takes just a few minutes. The client does not need to go anywhere; the policy is sent by email and is valid for exactly 1 year from the date of issue. Moreover, the insurance company will independently notify the bank about the agreement, which minimizes the need to communicate with the financial institution.

All partitions, ceilings, walls, windows, doors, foundations and roofs are subject to insurance. The last two options are relevant for private real estate. In fact, the insurance company only protects the “box”, but not the apartment itself inside. However, for everyone interested, Sberbank offers to take out an additional “Home Protection” policy, which already concerns the interior, equipment, appliances and furniture. The insurance company will make payments to the bank and/or client in case of death, loss or damage to property from:

  • structural defects;
  • collapse of trees and their parts, power line supports, billboards and other similar objects;
  • actions of third parties committed without the knowledge/permission of the owner;
  • exposure to water in any of its manifestations;
  • explosion of gas or steam boilers, as well as any associated systems;
  • natural Disasters;
  • vessel collapse and vehicle collision;
  • falling of aircraft or their parts/loads;
  • fire.

Life and health insurance

Life and health insurance of the debtor is another measure to protect the bank’s client and, at the same time, a guarantee of payment of the remaining amount of the debt. According to the terms of the contract, death and disability of 1-2 groups are subject to insurance. In both cases, the insurance company pays the balance or most of the debt. The policy is valid for 1 year, like real estate insurance, which is quite convenient, since you can renew their validity at the same time and for as many as 12 years you don’t have to return to this issue. In some cases, the bank also requires insurance for co-borrowers or guarantors.

Property title insurance

This insurance option is better known as “Title Insurance”. This implies a guarantee of preservation of property rights regardless of a court decision or other factors. In case of loss of such property rights, the insurance company pays an impressive amount. For example, a bank client had real estate, which he provided as collateral and insured the title to it. After some time, the borrower gets divorced and, by court decision, the property goes to his ex-wife. Essentially, the person has lost title to the property, after which the insurance company makes a payment.

How to obtain mortgage insurance from Sberbank?

For the convenience of the client, Sberbank offers to apply directly on the website. The same can be done in any branch, but on the website it’s easier, faster, and you don’t have to go anywhere or stand in line.

What you need

  • Information about the borrower.
  • Data about the object that needs to be insured.
  • A card with enough money in the account to pay for the policy.

Step by Step Actions

  1. Go to the Sberbank website.
  2. Go to the “Private Clients” section.
  3. Select the menu item “Insurance and pension programs”.
  4. Go to the “Insurance Programs” section.
  5. Select the desired insurance option.
  6. Go to the website of the Sberbank insurance company. There is a special button for this.
  7. Fill in information about the object of insurance or answer questions if the person is insured.
  8. Receive the prepared policy to the client's email address.
  9. Pay for the services of the insurance company.

Insurance in Sberbank Online

The same thing can be done through the Sberbank Online service. The only difference in this case is that it will be much easier to pay for it, because the client will already be in the bank’s payment service.

Insurance companies accredited by Sberbank

The list is regularly changed and updated, so the information may become out of date. The most current data can be found on the bank's website.

Insurance policy cost

For a bank client, the most important element of the policy is its price. In fact, insurance cases do not occur very often, but you will have to pay regularly. At least until the entire amount of debt to the financial institution is repaid.

How to calculate?

The insurance amount is calculated automatically on the insurance company’s website. The final amount may vary greatly, depending on the conditions chosen and the characteristics of the particular type of property.

Let us give an example of such a calculation based on a mortgaged apartment. Let’s assume that there is no tree in the floors, and the amount of debt to the bank is 2 million rubles. For a year, mortgage insurance will cost only 4.5 thousand rubles. If you pay off the debt to the level of 1 million rubles in a year, then the next policy, all other things being equal, will cost 2,250.00 rubles.

To calculate life insurance, you will have to answer several questions that will help the company determine the amount of the policy. For an absolutely healthy person aged 30 who plans to take out a loan in the amount of 2 million rubles, insurance will cost 7,760 (for men) or 6,740 (for women) rubles. The older you are, the more expensive it is. The same applies to diseases. The more there are, the more you will have to pay.

Title insurance also depends on the amount owed and only in rare cases does the payment exceed 1%. For example, if a client plans to take out a loan for the same 2 million rubles, then he will have to pay 20 thousand rubles. The next year - less, depending on the balance of the debt.

Is insurance required at Sberbank?

It is mandatory to insure collateral property in accordance with Article 31 of Law 102-FZ. But this applies only to real estate, transport or any other objects that are registered as collateral.

However, the bank does not have the right to require life or title insurance from the client. This is already a voluntary matter.

Is it possible to refuse?

Based on the above, this question can be answered in two ways: no and yes. No, you cannot refuse to insure collateral property. This is a legal requirement that should not be ignored. But you can refuse life insurance. But is it necessary? The bank usually provides specific clauses regarding insurance in the loan agreement. For example, if a client refuses to take out life insurance, the interest rate automatically increases by 1%.

Now let's do the math. I took out a housing loan in the amount of 2 million rubles at 10% per annum. If the client refuses to insure life in the amount of 7,760 rubles, then the bank raises the loan rate to 11%. In the first case, you will have to pay approximately 16,000.00 rubles per month. In the second, if you refuse life insurance, 17,500.00 each. The difference for the year is 12*1.5=18 thousand rubles. This is more than 2 times the cost of a life insurance policy. So, it makes sense to agree with all the bank’s requirements, otherwise the overpayments may be much greater than the “savings”.

Advantages and disadvantages of mortgage insurance at Sberbank

The advantages of mortgage insurance lie primarily in the fact that the client, in the event of loss of the collateral property or its damage, will not be forced to pay both the debt and the restoration of the property. The insurance company will do everything for him. And given the fact that this is still a mandatory legal requirement, there are still no alternative options. Yes, in theory, a client can refuse to renew insurance for the next year. The bank will not be able to force him to pay. But he has every right to demand immediate early repayment of all debt.

There is only one drawback - you need to pay the insurance company. And this will have to be done annually until the debt is repaid in full.

The desire to protect their financial interests associated with paying off a mortgage is common to any borrower. Banks that issue mortgage loans also strive to protect themselves as much as possible from large losses. The mortgage insurance service solves the problems of both parties, allowing them to enter into secure, mutually beneficial transactions. It is provided by many insurance companies, including Sberbank, which has an extremely positive reputation and a high degree of trust from policyholders.

About Sberbank

Sberbank is the largest Russian bank, rapidly developing its branch network not only in Russia, but also abroad. On the territory of our country there are 12 territorial banks and over 16 thousand bank branches of Sberbank.

Its clients include 110 million people - more than half of the total number of Russians. Approximately 11 million clients use the bank's services abroad.

Sberbank provides clients with a wide range of services, ranging from traditional lending to bank insurance.

Sberbank tries to satisfy the needs of customers, making the process of servicing them more and more convenient. Now everyone can use the bank’s services on its official website or mobile application. Taking out insurance online has become not only profitable, but also convenient. Firstly, it only takes a couple of minutes of time. Secondly, the policy can be purchased at any time and anywhere, with Internet access. Thirdly, a copy of the executed insurance contract is automatically sent to the bank. Thanks to this, the borrower does not need to waste time visiting Sberbank and other procedures that are done for him.

Sberbank's proposals for mortgage insurance

Sberbank offers its clients two main mortgage insurance programs:

  • apartment mortgage insurance;
  • Mortgage life insurance.

Apartment mortgage insurance is a prerequisite for obtaining a mortgage loan for the purchase of real estate. This policy insures:

  • walls, partitions, ceilings, window structures, doors;
  • roof and foundation (if the insurance object is an individual residential house or building).

Apartment mortgage insurance protects against damage or complete loss of real estate in the event of:

  • fire, lightning strike, explosion, etc.;
  • falls of flying objects, cargo, trees, outdoor advertising and other stationary objects that are located close to the property being purchased with a mortgage;
  • collision of a vehicle or ship's collapse;
  • natural disasters;
  • illegal actions of third parties;
  • design flaws.

Mortgage life insurance is the second mandatory insurance program, which provides financial protection to the client in unforeseen situations. Insured events include:

  • disability of I or II group;
  • death.

If one of the above cases occurs, the insurer assumes all payments corresponding to the remaining balance of the mortgage loan.

Information required to purchase insurance from Sberbank

To purchase insurance that protects the property purchased with a mortgage or the health of the borrower, you must have:

  • the policyholder's questionnaire filled out in accordance with the official form;
  • loan agreement;
  • passport;
  • certificate of completion of a medical examination (for purchasing a policy insuring life and health).

The documents themselves will not be needed; the policyholder will only need genuine information taken from them. In some cases (if the data is entered with an error, does not correspond to the original, etc.), Sberbank may require photographs or scans of documents.

How to obtain mortgage insurance at Sberbank

Mortgage insurance calculator on the official website of Sberbank

It is impossible to buy two insurance policies at once on the Sberbank website, so we will consider in detail the procedure for completing each document. To obtain a policy that insures an apartment with a mortgage, you must:

  1. Select the appropriate option. To do this, you need to go to the Sberbank website and find the “Insurance Programs” section, and then click on the “ ” option. A brief description of the insurance program will appear in a new window, and just below there will be a function for applying for a policy online.
  2. Select the required information and fill in the missing general information. On the new page, you must indicate the object of insurance, select the validity period of the policy, indicate the year the property was built (it will not be possible to insure an object built before 1955), etc. Here the borrower independently contributes the required insurance amount. You can also enter a promotional code and slightly reduce the cost of the policy. It is calculated automatically using a calculator and then displayed on the screen.
  3. Fill out the form. The next step is to enter data taken from the documents. This includes the number and date of the loan agreement, information about the policyholder (his status as a citizen of the Russian Federation or a foreign citizen, full name, date of birth, series and number of passport, date and place of issue), registration address of the insured property, contact information, etc. It is especially important to correctly indicate your email, because the insurance policy will be sent to it.
  4. Confirm purchase. After entering all the correct data, you can proceed to pay for insurance. After confirmation of payment, an insurance policy is sent to the email specified earlier. It is important to remember that it does not come into effect immediately after purchase, but only the next day.

Purchasing a policy that provides mortgage life insurance is just as easy. To obtain this document you must:

  1. Select the “Protected Borrower” program. This is done on the Sberbank website in the “Insurance Programs” section.
  2. Fill out an application. On the new page you must answer 6 proposed questions. After successfully completing this quick procedure, you need to enter standard information: the start date of the new policy, date of birth and gender, credit balance. The cost of the policy is calculated automatically using a calculator and then appears on the screen. Typically this takes a few seconds.
  3. Fill in the required data. Next, the applicant is required to provide the number and date of the loan agreement, his contact and passport details, residential address, as well as employment information. After entering, they need to be checked and then sent for review.
  4. Pay for the policy. Immediately after confirmation of payment, the policy is sent to the email address that was already specified earlier.


The cost of mortgage insurance is not fixed by any insurance company. When determining it, not only the borrower’s data is taken into account, but also the insurer’s rates, which may be inflated. To determine whether this is so, you can use a calculator that works online. You must enter the standard requested data into the fields of the calculator, and then wait for it to calculate. After some time, the most budget-friendly insurance options from time-tested companies will appear on the screen. The calculator allows you to save on insurance without the risk of using the services of an unreliable insurer.

As a rule, an insurance policy is not purchased. After all, this is a voluntary procedure. Another thing is mortgage insurance from Sberbank. Stricter rules apply here, since funds are provided for decades. And the policy protects not only the bank, but also clients in case of unforeseen situations.

Real estate insurance when providing a mortgage in Sberbank

When registering, the borrower must take out insurance for the home being taken out on credit. Such requirements are mandatory not only in Sberbank, but also in any other bank. In the event of irreparable damage to the mortgaged property by third parties or due to natural disasters, the insurance company pays the client's debt to the bank. Based on this, the insurer acts in the interests of the client, because in case of unforeseen circumstances, he will pay the monthly payment.

You can get insurance from a Sberbank subsidiary by selecting projects and signing an agreement.

List of risks that are indemnified by insurance

Mortgage housing is insured under standard conditions, including all possible situations that entail damage or complete destruction of the object:
  • malicious actions of unauthorized persons resulting in damage or destruction;
  • robbery and petty theft;
  • explosions and fires causing destruction or significant destruction;
  • consequences of the disaster;
  • flood and other risks.

The amount of coverage of the insurance policy can be chosen from two options:
  1. The amount of insurance is equal to the cost of the mortgaged home. This amount is determined by experts and cannot be changed in the future;
  2. the amount is equal to the balance of the debt. The longer it takes to repay the debt, the lower the coverage amount will be.

If an insured event occurs, the company will pay an amount equal to the cost of the loss, but within the total amount of insurance. Exceeding is not allowed.

Insurance policy cost

According to the rules, the insurance policy is valid for only one year. But we can extend the policy by issuing it for another year until the loan is fully repaid.

There are no clear requirements for insurance premiums, except for one thing - the amount must be less than 1% of the loan amount for one year. Otherwise, individual rules apply.

Life and health insurance for a mortgage borrower at Sberbank

If housing is insured without fail, then the life and health of the borrower is optional. It is better to have guarantees that in the event of illness or an accident with the borrower, the obligations for loan repayments will not fall on the shoulders of relatives.

Possible risks taken into account when insuring life

If the borrower gets sick or an accident occurs, Sberbank Insurance will take over his obligations and will pay the monthly amount of the debt for the entire period of his incapacity. In the event of disability or death, the insurer pays off the mortgage in full.

By purchasing a policy, you can protect yourself or your heirs in case of:

  • dismissal from work (if the decision was not made voluntarily);
  • illness resulting in temporary disability;
  • serious illness or disability;
  • of death.
You can buy a policy with standard insurance events or choose an individual option. Life insurance programs differ in terms of service and price.

As we can see, life insurance, although not necessary, has a number of advantages. In addition, Sberbank is creating more attractive conditions for those who sign a policy: a 1% reduction in mortgage rates.

Return of mortgage insurance policy

Mortgage insurance from Sberbank can be refunded if the following conditions are met:
  • if, after returning the entire amount of borrowed funds, the policy is valid for 11 months or more, you can receive insurance premiums in full;
  • if less than six months have passed since the purchase of the policy, 50% of the insurance premiums will be returned;
  • if beyond this period, the money is not returned. There is no point in filing a lawsuit: the insurance company will take into account all the costs.
To return the insurance, you must submit an application and attach a statement of debt repayment. The procedure usually takes a long time to complete.

Documents required for return of mortgage insurance

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Online calculation of apartment (house) insurance for a mortgage in Sberbank

The page contains an electronic tool for calculating mortgage insurance. After entering your characteristics, the insurance amount will be displayed.

Mortgage loan insurance (video)

Mortgage insurance at Sberbank, its necessity and features - all these nuances are discussed in the video.

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