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Why do you dream about basketball? Interpretation of the dream basketball in dream books. Basketball - interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream about playing basketball?

I saw in my dream how my friends and I seemed to be 10, or even 15 years younger. I saw our old yard, where we always played in the evenings. And in the summer, they generally only came home to eat and go. I also dreamed about our playground. Where we little ones constantly ran and played all kinds of games. But in my dream we were all playing basketball. Although I don’t remember now exactly whether such an event took place in our real games back in childhood. But in the dream we famously threw the ball into the hoop. We divided into teams and even somehow kept score. In the dream, it seemed that everything was according to all the rules and could not be better. We played so much fun, with such passion and energy! I myself saw myself throwing the ball into the basket several times. And all my throws were very strong and accurate. I really liked being little again, seeing my childhood friends again, at least in a dream. And have such a great time too. Summer, we are in light clothes. And only our playground and basketball. Wonderful vision! I was overcome with nostalgia right in my sleep.

And in the morning, I wanted to call everyone. To ask everyone about life, to tell me about my dream, and for everyone to smile at our childhood. I also read what it means to play basketball in your dream. And how surprised I was that this was a harbinger of some kind of joy. Moreover, this joy will not be spontaneous, but honestly deserved by the dreamer. A person will try to finish the work accurately and on time - he may be praised and given a decent bonus at work. It could be the joy of a good day with loved ones. And in a family, warm feelings can only exist when all relationships are built correctly. When household members trust each other. They don’t irritate or offend each other. And this is a lot of work, daily work on yourself. The dreamer can enjoy life, because a cheerful and happy period will come, which the person fully deserves. Played basketball in a dream - get ready to rejoice and laugh a lot. A good mood is your faithful companion for a long time after such a dream. Also, playing basketball speaks of a person’s friendliness. The dreamer has many good friends, whose help he can always count on. Together with friends, the dreamer can overcome any adversity and problems. He managed to surround himself with worthwhile and loyal people, the game of basketball speaks of this.

If you had such a dream on Monday night, you will soon be responsible for your work. On Tuesday, the basketball game speaks of the upcoming trip. At the same time, the dreamer will actively explore new places and will not miss important moments. Playing basketball on Wednesday is a sign of a strong-willed person. The dreamer is not easy to break, and certainly not to be enraged by some trifles. On Thursday, a dream about playing basketball speaks of the dreamer’s youth. Even if you are many years old, at heart you always remain young and exploring the world. Playing basketball on Friday means marrying a very active person. If you had a basketball dream, then you can choose any athlete - your chosen one will be among them. On Saturday, a dream where you yourself play basketball can symbolize your energy and enterprise. On Sunday, playing basketball means the rapid development of your career.

But the defeat of your team in a basketball game in a dream is a symbol of some obstacles and future bad luck in business. If you lose in basketball, then your project may not be successful at all. Moreover, pay attention to your colleagues. Inattention to one of them could cost you your career. If you have team work at the moment, then be careful and discuss everything carefully with your colleagues. Because a dream where your team lost can be prophetic. Also take a closer look at new people in your life. A loss in a game of basketball can also indicate dishonest friends who can harm you. Be careful. Do not reveal your secrets to strangers. First check, get to know the person. And then open your soul to him, if you have already decided to do so. Otherwise, you may be betrayed. You will be very disappointed in people.

So much for sports with childhood friends. There are so many personal and serious moments in interpretation! I have a lot to think about, definitely. I didn’t expect that the joy of life from the work done and well-built relationships could be somehow connected with basketball. Well, now I will know! As for joyful impressions, I decided not only to call all my childhood friends, but also to organize our meeting! So that we can meet and see each other after so many years. This is what I understand - there will be a fountain of joyful emotions!

Basketball is a game with a large number of fans. If in a dream you see yourself as a basketball player or a fan, then do not be lazy to clarify why such scenes are dreamed of. Dream books, offering their interpretations, recommend paying attention to the details of the dream.

Miller's Dream Book

The famous expert on human dreams, Gustav Miller, in his dream book voiced the following scenarios if you dreamed of basketball:

  • You took part in a match in a dream - you can count on the support of a friend.
  • You were sick at the stadium - you prefer to achieve your goals systematically, without risk.
  • Watching a match on TV in a dream means that many everyday joys are not available to you.
  • In a dream you trained a basketball “team” - expect tempting offers.

The joy of victory as a symbol of success

Did you dream that you were a player on the national basketball team, and your team won the decisive game? Great! This means that all calculations regarding the implementation of some plans are correct. And if you see that you are “flying down the drain,” but the accurate throw you made helped you win, then such a plot means upcoming fun and joy, the Lunar Dream Book predicts.

The sadness of defeat is a sign of betrayal

If you dreamed that, despite the fact that the team played well, you still lost, then in reality you should be prepared for the betrayal of a person whom you considered especially close. Playing poorly in a dream and losing is a sign that you yourself are to blame for the fact that the attitudes of others towards you do not correspond to the desires you put forward.

Why do you dream of a vision in which the team desperately fought against strong opponents, but they still managed to play better, Pastor Loff’s dream book will tell you. Such dreams suggest that you cannot judge people by their first impression; they may not be what they seem.

Being a coach - From authority to the need to be recognized...

Do you want to know why you dream that you play sports and coach the basketball “team”? Such interpretations are available in many dream books. For example, if you see yourself teaching children to throw a basketball into a basket, then you can count on success and increased authority among colleagues.

And if in reality you are far from sports, and in a dream you appear as a first-class basketball coach, deftly throwing a basketball into the basket, standing with your back to it, then this speaks of the need to be visible.

The fan is an important “element” of the game, or Work: difficulties and successes...

The person who dreamed that he was rooting for a friend playing basketball should be prepared for the fact that difficult and painstaking work will fall to his lot. But how “monetary” it will be will be determined by the nuances that you should pay attention to when interpreting why you dream that you are an ardent basketball fan.

If in a dream you are watching a game of basketball: in reality you are very cautious and do not like to take risks. Seeing yourself playing basketball: foretells that in difficult times you can always get help from friends. Watch competitions in a dream...

Dream - Basketball

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Play - run around the shops, make purchases.

Basketball - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you saw someone playing basketball on TV in a dream, it means that you will envy your friends because they have the opportunity to have fun and enjoy themselves in ways that are not available to you. If you dream that you are present at a match as...

Dreaming of “Throwing a ball into a basket (basketball)” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To the accuracy of your calculation.

Dreaming of "Basketball" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you are rooting for a basketball team, and the team loses to smithereens, this is a warning dream: your friends are not at all the people they say they are.

Basketball (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you watch a basketball game, then in reality you prefer not to take risks. Playing basketball means that in difficult times you can always count on your friends. Watching basketball competitions on TV means that you cannot...

What does the dream portend: Basketball

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you play basketball, you have to make a risky decision. If you are a viewer, your advice will be decisive.

Basketball - interpretation of sleep

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Do you play basketball? This means you can always count on the help of your friends. Watching basketball on TV means you can't afford many of the same pleasures that your friends can.

I had a dream “Game”

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

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Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Game?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed of a game in any of its manifestations, this is a warning about possible deception. If you dream that you are playing a role on a theater stage, it means that in reality you will lie and get out. If in a dream you are gambling, for example in...

The objects that appear to us in dreams are varied. Some are too outlandish, others are not unique. The dream ball belongs to the latter.

In reality, this attribute helps us not only play sports, but also have fun at a picnic. Why do you dream about the ball? Let's ask the dream books.

Characteristics of sports equipment

Did you have a dream about a soccer ball? The illness will soon subside and the sleeper will recover. If the dreamer’s cold does not bother him, then this dream confirms his good health.

A basketball in a dream symbolizes success, which will envelop the financial sphere of the dreamer’s life.. Things will get better at work.

Don’t forget about your family while completely devoting yourself to your career. The interpretation of the dream according to the dream book will tell you about this, after dreaming of a volleyball made of elastic material.

Seeing a tennis ball in a dream means a pleasant meeting with a person from the past whom the sleeper has not seen for a long time.

It is worth preparing for the reunion of school graduates. A dream in which a dozing person collides with a child’s ball will help you not to miss this memorable event. He will spend interesting time with his classmates and gain a lot of new information.

Number of balls

The more round devices for games you see, the more noisy and cheerful company you will have to relax. Thus, dreams of a lot of balls for a big party.

But a meeting with your best friend will follow a night vision in which the ball appeared alone.

Interacting with an Item

See, play

If in your dreams you collided with a ball at a distance? Then in reality a date is coming. Both a meeting with friends and a romantic rendezvous are likely.

Did you happen to play basketball with a ball in a dream? Now is the most favorable time to devote yourself to your career.

To dream of playing with a ball means that the dreamer will experience carefree fun.

Throw, kick

Throwing a ball in a dream is a symbol of excessive self-confidence. You should not use others for your own gain.

If in reality you are worried about a certain problem, then after a dream in which you happened to kick a ball, you will be lucky enough to find a solution characterized by its unusualness.

Hit a person or object

A dream in which you broke a window with this attribute warns that you risk offending a close and good friend.

Soon you will commit some rash and irresponsible act directed against a loved one, extremely offending him. This is how the books of omens interpret night vision, in which you hit someone with this spherical object.

Buy, lose, find

If you were lucky enough to buy a ball while dozing, then a joyful event will dispel your dull everyday life. Read more about what you dream about here.

Losing this attribute represents the losses you will suffer.

Fate is preparing to throw you a challenge that you can easily cope with. Such a harbinger is carried by a dream where you found a ball.

Interpretations for women and men

A dream seen by women who are in a legal or civil relationship represents a threat to the family union.

You should stop being jealous of your chosen one, otherwise collapse will inevitably happen. And there is no reason to distrust your beloved.

A lonely young lady is destined to meet a young guy. The time spent will be remembered for a long time, but dream books do not promise the duration of the relationship.

A family man should take a break from routine and devote time to relaxation.

But for a bachelor, it is important to prove himself more diligently at work and perform his duties better.

Let's ask the dream books

Miller pointed out in his collection: playing with a ball is a harbinger of a long-awaited and joyful meeting with a friend from childhood. You will have a wonderful rest and relax from everyday worries.

Was the “hero” of the dream lying motionless? Peace and tranquility will soon visit your life.

Vanga claimed that the dreamed round-shaped device for the game symbolizes an impending trip that will “give” you pleasant acquaintances.

Longo's opinion: did you have to roll the ball back and forth? You have to indulge in chores that have no importance. The financial side of your life will improve after dreams where you played with this attribute.

Denise Lynn's book of predictions says: playing with a ball is a symbol of the pleasure and joy that you get from life. And Simon Kananit foreshadowed a meeting with a close friend from childhood to someone who collided with a ball in their dreams.

Freud compared this attribute to the male genital organ. If the ball was of different quality, then problems with potency are not expected. It wouldn’t hurt to see a urologist for those who have encountered a deflated ball in their dreams.

Dream Book of the Wanderer: this “guest” of the dream personifies the dreamer’s ambitions, his touchiness and the troubles that he will have to face.

The visions that visited us at night can be interpreted in different ways. But it is important to remember that there are no hopeless situations. Everyone has the power to decide their own destiny.

This is a team game with elements of fighting against the enemy. The main goal is to get the ball into the hoop, for which points are added. If you are not an athlete or a fan of such games, then you may not understand why do you dream about basketball. Therefore, dream books will try to explain all the meanings.

Why do you dream about basketball according to Miller?

Miller himself clearly did not spend time on the game, but his dream book will help you understand why you dream about basketball. If you sit at a match and watch someone else play, then this is not a good sign for your character. Everything suggests that you are not able to wisely distribute internal forces and resources. It would be interesting to transform into a judge. This means that you are not used to and do not want to take full responsibility for the failures that led the project or company to failure. You are sincerely convinced of your personal innocence and will defend this position in every possible way.

If you have been given the role of coach of one of the teams, and you persistently prepare your people for an extremely important and significant game, then excessive frankness prevails in your character. If you look at it in scale, this will lead to serious problems. Your enemies and foes are able to use this trait to crush all achievements. The dream book advises you to carefully choose your interlocutors and keep secrets to yourself, otherwise you risk being left without a reputation.

Why do you dream about basketball according to Vanga?

Of course, Vanga never played, but she could give some advice on what basketball dreams mean. So, if you are reincarnated as a player, then soon a chain of various events will occur that will make you give up old habits without regrets or pain. It is likely that we are talking about marriage. Although, perhaps you just realize that you are ruining your existence on your own.

Any display of excitement, either as a fan or as a participant, portends hard work. May be physical or mental. The main thing is that you will have to spend a lot of time solving the problem. An extremely bad dream would be one in which you rooted for a team with all your heart, but it played terribly or lost by a large margin. This suggests that your close friends are hiding a secret or are not at all what they seem.

Why do you dream about basketball according to Freud?

Freud believed that what you dream about basketball can signal the completion of household chores or the onset of some important events. So, a dream match is a hint of a shopping trip and the purchase of bulky goods. It is important if you watched the game not in the hall, but via broadcast. You hide a secret or complex inside yourself. Get rid of this immediately, because you are destroying yourself from the inside.

Perhaps, due to incorrect moral principles or constraint, you suppress natural desires and aspirations. All this has a negative impact on the psyche. Talk to a friend or visit a specialist, otherwise resentment will develop into anger, which will be released at the most inopportune moment. It's bad if you get the image of a judge. In that case, tremble at the responsibility. You prefer the role of a performer and always hide behind other people's backs. This is what prevents you from moving forward.

Why do you dream about basketball according to Nostradamus?

The dream book of Nostradamus, in a sense, speaks negatively about what dreams of basketball mean. Just watching the game suggests that in the near future you will experience strong envy towards someone in the family. Most likely, the whole point is that this person can afford something that you cannot afford: vacations in expensive places, tickets to concerts, high-class restaurants, etc. If you attended the match as a spectator, then you are deprived of the inclination to adventure. You are not interested in risk for the sake of risk, and you will agree only if it is justified and no other way out can be found.

It's good if you get the role of a basketball player. In this case, you have loyal friends who will happily help you out of any trouble. No matter what trouble you get into, remember that they will always come to the rescue. Get ready if for some reason you find yourself alone on the site. Then you will have to take on an important issue without support and insurance. If you play the role of an arbitrator, then you can be called an irresponsible person. Manage your indecisiveness, otherwise you will get stuck.